Monday, July 27, 2009

Freakshow of a rain storm

so this is the first post -- and i thought that i'd start it of on a bitching note. we have a puddle - actually 3 - in our basement. we live in an old house in toronto - built in 1880 according to the toronto archives. and in the past 9 months or so that we've had it -- it has proven to be remarkably well built. sturdy (even though every joe or larry who ever saw the joists in the last 100 years seems to have cut a hole in one), cool (at least this summer) and waterproof. or so we thought. we've never really has a water problem until this weekend. and so i ask ... can i ignore it? we're hoping to get the basement finished relatively soon -- ie. drywall and the works. since:

1/ we've never seen water down there before
2/ it's really close to the drains
3/ it rained a LOT over the past few days
4/ the laneway across the street was kinda flooded

i'm hoping that this was a freak one-off situation - never to be dealt with again. thoughts anyone?

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