Thursday, August 6, 2009

Electrical Inspection, Drywall delivery and Insulation

putting insulation in the ceiling blows! it's so hard. and it gets in your eyes. even when you're wearing googles. and you gotta wear long sleeve stuff so that it doesn't get you too itchy -- but then you get all hot! we used roxul safe and sound insulation for the ceiling. it seems pretty sound proof. either that or isaac was ignoring me a whole lot more today :} it's not too too hard to cut (we used a bread knife). it was a pain when the joist spaces weren't all the same -- so we had to cut some and not others. in all, i think that insulation costs were $500 or so? we only did the exterior walls (since we're a row house) and the ceiling. Electrical inspector came by for about 0.78 seconds yesterday morning and passed our rough-in inspection. so that was good. we've been running around to get ready for the drywall to go in. it was delivered yesterday and drywallers come tomorrow! yea! it's impossible to do work down there while they're drywalling -- so we get a break! there are actually a few things that we're not totally done (don't tell the drywallers!) but i think we're ok. we gotta frame in one side of the shower still (should be easy -- maybe take half an hour). and put in the shower liner. but we're thinking that they'll do the ceilings tomorrow and then start the walls on sat. so we should have time. we're using sebastian from taping excellence -- the material cost for the drywall job is about $1000 and the labour is about 3 times that. it sounds a bit pricey to me - but they're good and i like them. and we're already over budget on this so i'm caring less. plus -- once a tenant is in, we'll be able to pay back that overage. hopefully :}

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