Thursday, August 6, 2009

Pot filler

soooo --- we're not particularly good at focusing. you may realize this as you read. we jump around a lot. in our defense ... there were a lotta things to do at the beginning -- bathroom, kitchen, everything (haha) .... so we had to jump around to get running water in the kitchen and a place to pee. and a place to shower, come to think of it! so i'll be posting bits and pieces wherever. anyway -- while the basement ceiling was still open (someone once described the basement ceiling as the main artery of the house .... once you close it up, it's hard to make any more changes) we decided to put a pot filler in the kitchen over the stove. it's mostly for show seeing as the sink is approximately 4 steps away ... but it looks cool. and it had better 'cause it was a huge pain in the ass. in the end (after it had already leaked a zillion times and then water had poured all over the kitchen floor when we once turned the water on while to pot filler was running and didn't realize it!) it turned out that we weren't tightening the last 2 bits of pipe enough. so we figured it out and are now in the process of patching up the wall. it's not totally leve at the moment either -- we gotta play with that a bit. we're not sure if it's us or if it's the filler. we'll let you know how it goes :}

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